Not long ago a beautiful Queen gave birth to three tiny royals. Sadly, the Queen had been banished from here castle by an evil lord. She was forced to seek shelter in a warm barn to give birth. Shortly thereafter the Queen became very ill and died. The good people of the barn rescued Lady Tallulah, Prince Cotton and Prince Blaze. They were very small, only two weeks old. Another good lady in the village agreed to care for the kittens until they were old enough to find new homes.
Prince Blaze has found a new home in the cottage next door. Lady Tallulah and Prince Cotton are waiting for the right people who will love and care for them. Lady Tallulah is very demure. Soon after she was born she sustined an injury to her front right foot. She gets along just fine now but will need to be an inside kitty princess. She loves to snuggle in a warm lap.
Prince Cotton is a shy guy but warms up when scratched behind his ears. He loves to explore and play with string!
The story of Lady Tallulah, Prince Cotton and Prince Blaze is all too common. Sadly, many people don't spay or neuter their cats or dogs leading to overcrowded shelters and thousands and thousands of animal euthanaisas every year. Here in Pulaski the summer is known as "Kitten Season". We have a beautiful new shelter with a "kitty condo" but every year cats and kittens pour into the shelter. In fact last year and this year they have a special "adopt one get one free" program.
The situation for dogs isn't much better. Last year Grace and I went to the shelter looking for a dog to adopt. While waiting a man and a woman dropped of a box of eight puppies, and three other dogs were surrenderd by their owners in a 30 minute period of time. None of the surrenderd dogs were neutered or spayed.
If you might be interested in adopting Lady Talula or Prince Cotton contact me. And don't forget about all the cats and dogs needing homes at your local shelters.
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