Monday, March 15, 2010

First Steps

There's not much to look at outside your window in February or March. Snow may still blanket the ground and trees remain naked and grey. However, if you look closely you can see the first buds on the dogwoods or tiny sprouts of  crocus and tulips breaking the cold earth. In our house we had a few "firsts" during the last weeks of winter.

Grace and Marshall play games together! Grace is finally old enough to understand that Marshall might need some help to play and Marshall is old enough to want to play with someone else. Of course the play only lasts for a few minutes at most but it's a start!
Playing Giant Hands with hot mitts!

Grace shows Marshall a few tricks on the computer.

We also got a new puppy. We've had a difficult dog year  and really almost given up looking for another dog. But our kind vet gave some great advice and put us on the path to a fluffy seven month old puppy we named Cricket. We have no idea what kind of dog she is but we do know she is playful, sweet and patient with the kids. We love her dearly. 
Grace snuggles her new friend, Cricket.

In early March Grace lost her first tooth! Nana and Aunt Nat were down for a visit and were actually present with the little tooth was pulled by Dad! Grace promptly lost the tooth in her room and after a frantic search by Mom, Dad and Aunt Nat we finally wrote a note to the tooth fairy. She understood and left four quarters anyway.
Her new toothy grin!
And lastly we registered Grace for kindergarten at Critzer Elementary in Pulaski. Grace was a bit tentative at first but was soon relaxed and more confident as friendly staff and teachers welcomed her to the school. Both Grace and Marshall loved the real tarantula spider, gerbils, and frogs in the kindergarten class room. I was so proud as I heard her clearly say and spell her name to the teacher. As we left Grace wanted to know if she could go to kindergarten tomorrow and was very disappointed when we told her she would have to wait until the fall. Any doubt that I had about Grace being ready for school quickly left after registration. She's ready to try her big kid wings (sniff, sniff).
Grace stands on the state of VA outside Critzer Elementary.
Sometimes it seems like diapers, spills, peanut butter smears and scattered toys will never end. But I know that our little family is growing quickly.


  1. I finally tuned in to your alternative blog.
    Wonderful. I always love your pics of the kids and the adventures. The Cain Chronicles needs to pep up its steps. Time goes quicker than we think in the midst of high action of growing kids. I sniff, sniff too.... lots Nana

  2. The kids are so big it sort of makes me sad. I just can't believe that Grace is starting kindergarten in a few months! I love that they can play together now. I bet that gives you and Carl somewhat of a break. We miss you guys and hope to see you soon.
